Présentation orale à la conférence Health Enhancing Physical Activity en Aout 2019

Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Geidne, S., Kokko, S., Epstein, J., Van Hoye, A. (August 2019). Measuring Health Promotion in Sports Club Settings: A Modified Delphi Study. Oral presentation at the Health Enhancing Physical Activity Conference, Odense, Denmark

Présentation orale au symposium Public Health Technology Weeks en Mai 2021

Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Lemonnier, F., Rostan, F., Van Hoye, A. (May 2021). The health-promoting sports club. Invited guest speaker to the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) – Public Health Technology Weeks Symposium, Moscow, Russia (Webinar)

Mini présentation orale au 8e congrès virtuel de l'International Society for physical activity and health en Octobre 2021

Van Hoye, A., Johnson S., Geidne, S., Donaldson, A., Rostan, F., Lemonnier, F., Vuillemin, A. (October 2021). The health promoting sports club model: An intervention planning framework. Mini-Oral presentation at the 8th ISPAH Virtual Congress, Vancouver, Canada

Présentation orale au 8e congrès de l'International Society for physical activity and health en Octobre 2021

Johnson, S., Van Hoye, A., Donaldson, A., Lemonnier, F., Rostan, F., Vuillemin, A. (October 2021). Building health-promoting sports clubs: A participative concept mapping approach. Oral presentation at the 8th ISPAH Virtual Congress, Vancouver, Canada

Présentation orale durant la World Conference on Exercise Medicine 2021 en Octobre 2021

Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Lemonnier, F., Rostan, F., Van Hoye, A. (October 2021). The health-promoting sports club. Invited guest speaker to the World Conference on Exercise Medicine 2021 (WCEM), Malaysia (Virtual)

Présentation orale durant la 11e conférence Health Enhancing Physical Activity en Septembre 2021

Johnson, S., Van Hoye, A., Geidne, S., Donaldson, A., Rostan, F., Lemonnier, F., Tezier, B., Vuillemin, A. (September 2022). The Health Promoting Sports Club Model: intervention theory design. Oral presentation at the 11th International Conference of HEPA Europe, Nice, France


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