Sur la base du modèle HPSC, le questionnaire e-PROSCeSS a été développé pour mesurer les perceptions de la promotion de la santé dans les clubs de sport. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les propriétés psychométriques de la version française de cet outil de mesure.

The health promoting sports club describes the development of the settings-based approach in sports clubs. Based on this model, a questionnaire was developed to measure health promotion perceptions in sports clubs (e-PROSCeSS).

The objective of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of a French version of the e-PROSCeSS measurement tool. The questionnaire includes three scales measuring stakeholder’s perceptions of club (macro), managers (meso) and coaches (micro) activities toward promoting health. Five steps were undertaken to assess perceptions. First, scales were translated into French. Second, each item’s content clarity was tested in three populations: managers, coaches, sports participants. Third, descriptive statistics were analyzed for each scale. Fourth, confirmatory factorial analysis was used to select items for each level. Predictive validity found positive relationships between health promotion perceptions and managing/coaching positions, and negative relationships with drop-out intentions. Positive relationships were found between sports participants’ perceptions of health promotion and their self-rated performance and quality of life, while negative relationships were detected with drop-out intentions. The French e-PROSCeSS subscales showed good psychometric properties in measuring health determinants at multiple levels. However, the tool did not measure health promotion as an overarching concept that questions its applicability in the sports club setting.

Comment citer ce travail:

Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Epstein, J., Geidne, S., Donaldson, A., Tezier, B., Kokko, S., Van Hoye, A. (2021) French validation of the e-PROSCeSS questionnaire: stakeholder’s perceptions of the health-promoting sports club. Health Promotion International.


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